Trump’s Biggest Lie

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Faithless leaders, such as the former president and Bible/Golden Sneaker salesman, Donald Trump, have exploited the sincere beliefs of many Americans for their own gain. By co-opting the language of Christianity for political purposes, Trump and his ilk of religious con artists have sown division and discord within the faithful.

For those who are swept up in the fervor of the MAGA movement, buying into the lie of Christian rule in America, I implore you to consider this: which of the 200 Christian sects will rule? Will it be the Lutherans, the Protestants, the Episcopalians, the Greek Orthodox, the Catholics, the Mormons, or one of the countless others?

The reality is that there are over 200 Christian sects in America alone, and a staggering 4,500 Christian sects worldwide. To imagine that one sect could dominate and dictate the course of a nation as diverse and complex as the United States is not only absurd but dangerous.

History is replete with other examples besides Hitler of the conflicts that have arisen between different Christian sects. Wars have been fought for thousands of year between  various interpretation of Christ’s teaching, lives have been lost, and communities have been torn apart by sectarian violence.

To introduce such chaos and strife into the heart of America would be to invite disaster of the highest order. An endless nuclear powered civil and global strife that would undoubtedly be worse than the endless religious wars of the middle east.

In conclusion, the idea of Christian theocratic rule is not only a fantasy but a dangerous one at that. It disregards the foundational principles of religious freedom upon which America was built, and it threatens to plunge the nation into chaos and division.

Instead of seeking to impose one faith’s doctrine upon all, we should embrace the diversity of beliefs that enrich our society and strive to build a nation that is inclusive, tolerant, and just for all its citizens.

This has been a AI assisted PSA.

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